Control systems implemented several years ago frequently run in Windows XP, which is no longer supported by Microsoft. This means that replacing a simple component in a computer that runs the SCADA system or the DCS may be a very difficult problem because devices that support Windows XP might no longer be available. An increasing number of users thus face the choice whether to continue using the existing system, accepting the risk of potentially severe and expensive problems, or update the automation system to the latest version. Both solutions involve significant costs. The first solution involves virtual costs that, if materialised, may be very high. The second solution usually involves a replacement of hardware as well as software. Apart from purchase and implementation costs, this option also carries the risk of errors. The user interface usually has to be changed, which is not always convenient to the operators.
There is also a third solution, which has gained wide recognition in IT systems, i.e. virtualisation of automation systems. The existing solution running on the real server is fully converted into the virtual version with full functionality of the real system.
- independence from the supplier of the operating system
- easy management
- quick response to faults
- easy redundancy
We offer the following:
- comprehensive, professional advice on how to select the best solution
- optimum selection of required components and licenses
- efficient implementation
- professional in- an out-of-warranty support.