Apart from factories, where most of the work is done by specialized craftsmen, most of the production of goods is carried out through at least partial automation. Sometimes these are low-technology solutions and automation is practically limited to the transport of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. However, more and more conscious companies rely on advanced, modern technological lines. Robots or programs take over some manual activities and even make decisions. It is therefore easy to guess that the design and assembly of production lines are complex, multi-threaded and responsible tasks. Fortunately, such projects are our specialty.
How does the production line work?
A production line, as its name suggests, is used for production. What it consists of and what it looks like is a very individual matter. Of course, the type of product being created, the raw materials used, the production volume and the level of advancement of the company are important.
Simply put, a production line can be defined as a set of connected and cooperating machines, integrated using a central control unit. Various types of production lines can be distinguished - e.g. those used for unit production (i.e. producing one, complex product), for small-batch production (supporting craft production), for mass production (producing many identical products) and for continuous production (used e.g. in chemical processes that occur constantly).
What does the production line consist of?
There is no clear answer to the question unless we decide to remain very general. Then we can limit ourselves to stating that the production line consists of machines and a special unit. What machines will be included in the line, how they will be aggregated and spatially distributed, and on what basis communication will take place between them, depends on the specific production that is to take place.
Very often, the cooperation of several production lines is needed to create one product. Welding electrodes are a great example here - one line deals with drawing, forming, cutting and closing the wire, the other one mixes the material for the coating and applies it to the core.
What processes are production lines used in?
Nowadays, it is difficult to find an industry in which production lines would not be useful. With technological progress and the increase in purchasing power, the demand for individual goods - both consumer goods and those used for further production - also increases.
Advanced production lines are standard today, including: in the food, automotive, machinery, electronics, chemical, petrochemical and paper industries.
What will you gain by ordering the assembly of a production line by MJ Group?
Designing and assembling individual elements and entire production lines is our specialty. We will look at the process and propose the best solutions. We will come to assemble the line on site, test it and train employees. We will take care of delivery logistics and prepare as-built documentation.
In case of any problems, we will constantly provide advice and assistance, and our professional service is also available. By choosing a Polish supplier of technological solutions, you contribute to the development of the domestic economy - and we do the same, increasing the competitiveness of Polish entrepreneurs.